Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Help With Gender Dysphoria

Felix from the Transcend Movement has created a number of extremely helpful books tacking the very difficult subject of gender dysphoria and cross dreaming. These books are especially helpful to those who are in a position where they feel they can't express their inner female, as well as those who are considering transition.

The ideas and methods presented in these books are totally original and are very much 'outside of the box' thinking. You'll really question your own personal motivations and discover new methods of help, allowing you to cope with your own gender feelings.

These books are seriously good. I would not put a plug up on this site unless I was not impressed by the contents of these books. Money well spent and an excellent investment in yourself for the future.

You can also view the Amazon Book store for The Transcend Movement Titles


  1. Thank you very much Cheryl, you have an engaging blog … keep it up

    BTW, I have been trying to feminize my voice. I did a research and discovered that it is possible to feminize your voice without another excruciating surgery. I searched around and found this tutorial: http://bit.ly/2PKkjjd (Sorry I don’t know if I am allowed to post links or not). It is a set of easy to follow at home exercises. It looks interesting and the testimonies are inspiring. I like to know your opinion, do you think it is useful? (I did study some research papers and their claim seems legit)
