Wednesday 21 December 2016

Transgender Sleep Hypnosis Story Meditation

Transgender Sleep Hypnosis

A sleep hypnosis story for transgender male to female transformation. This free hypnosis can be found HERE is a Transgender site where such gender transformation can be discussed. A unique meditation delivering a very personal story and experience.

The sleep story is of male to female transformation as is based upon my own experiences of taking female hormones and the feelings and situations I found myself in. So many elements are in fact true. I hope I convey my own experiences using this media, as such an experience is rather surreal. 

Enjoy your own personal male to female transgender transformation using hypnosis and binaural theta beats.

i would appreciate any feed back good or bad as I would like to make some others as a regular series and want to get it right. This recording perhaps has a slight menace to the story but I feel it is important to err on the side of caution.

i do hope you enjoy, and find it a useful sleep aid.

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