Sunday, 11 December 2016

Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis For Transgender Male to Female Transformation

Lucid Dreaming Induction for Male to Female

Have you ever wanted to explore the world of lucid dreaming? Have you also ever wanted to live out your dreams of becoming female? popular request I have created my first, hopefully of many,  FREE hypnosis video. This is freely available on YouTube Here. It has a running time of 36 minutes and is designed to be used at bed time to assist you in sleeping. The best time to use the video in the later part of your sleep cycle as explained below.

Please feel free to share the YouTube link or embed the file via YouTube where ever you like.

The purpose of this recording is to enable you to experience your inner woman through lucid dreaming. It does not matter if you have never been able to physically express your inner woman in real life. It does not matter if you have never cross dressed. If you have a desire to express a feminine side of your nature this recording is how.

A true lucid dream is very much like entering an alternate reality. The experience is not like a normal dream, it feels totally real in every respect. You have full control over this reality of your own creation. When you first experience such a dream the high obtained is so intense that the excitement can wake you up. With the correct training and experience you can maintain your excitement and prolong the lucid dream for as long as you desire.

Lucid dreaming is a skill that is not easily learnt however this hypnosis tool is designed to accelerate the learning process. I recommend that you keep a dream diary and record all your dreams. You may find initially when you do this that you can only recall a couple of sentences about what you dreamt. As you write down more of your dreams in your diary you’ll soon notice that your writing down complete paragraphs and in time a page full of information. It is essential that you do this to improve your on dream recall. As you do this you’ll soon start to notice common themes within your dreams which are called dream signs.

You can you dream signs to turn a normal dream into a lucid dream by realising you are dreaming. We also recommend that you practice reality checks throughout the day so as you may start to question if you are dreaming within your normal dreams.

Many lucid dreams are experienced after 5 to six hours of normal sleep, and it is suggested that you listen to this recording during the later part of your sleep cycle. There are also food supplements that can assist in making dreams more vivid but we suggest you perform your own research and find what suits you best.

I do hope you enjoy listening to this video and I welcome your comments and suggestions as I would like to do more.


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