Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Sex-Change By Magic

Coming Very Soon From Tranisa
Rosemary's Tranny - A Magical Transformation Film

Ed is helping his lesbian friend Rosemary with some paper work late into the evening and tells her he can't help his attraction to her but he is sharply reminded by Rosemary that he's not a woman so it's never going to happen. Ed then spots a spell book and Rosemary confesses that she is a witch with magical powers which Ed finds ridiculous but Rosemary warns him that he should not mock the science of her craft. He makes a joke saying that if she did have power she would turn him into a woman so they could be lovers, Rosemary warns that he should be careful what he wishes for. Ed excuses himself and goes to bed while Rosemary works her magic and turns Ed into a sexy woman with large breasts. Now they can be lovers!
JW Player goes here

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